Lutheran Schools Week begins tomorrow! Book Fair open everyday before and after school. The Books for Bibles Bracket happens all week. Be sure to bring in some change to vote for your favorite book each day. Funds go to buy Bibles for the Winnebago Mission.

The book fair will be open beginning Monday before school. We are in need of cashiers. Please stop by the office to sign up for a time to help. We really appreciate your help with this!

Order your P.E.A.C.E dinner and auction tickets today or tomorrow for the discounted ticket rate. The event is Saturday, March 21st. Invite your friends and family. It is a great night out supporting our wonderful school!

Just a reminder that spring picture day is tomorrow. If your child attends M/W/F preschool and you would like their picture taken bring them to the school from 9:00-1:00. Have a great day!

The Zion Quiz Bowl team just took First Place in the Horizon Middle School Quiz Bowl Invitational - defeating teams from Horizon and Kearney Catholic! Soli Deo Gloria! To God be the Glory!

Please vote Zion Best of Kearney Preschool. Hurry voting ends 2-16-2020. Thank you for your support of Zion Lutheran!

We are looking for volunteers to start contacting businesses to request donations for the PEACE Auction. Please call the office if you can help in this way. Thank you!

This is just a reminder that there will be no school tomorrow, January 31st at Zion Lutheran School for all classes. Enjoy your long weekend.

The kitchen microwave is no longer working. We will replace it, but not sure when. If your student is eating cold lunch please make sure that it does not require heating. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Zion Lutheran.

Tomorrow, Zion will host the storyteller Noa Baum as part of the Kearney Storyteller festival from 2:00-3:00pm in the fellowship hall. All are welcome to attend this fun event!

Our status has changed - school for today is cancelled for all classes due to icy road conditions, esp. in the country. Please plan accordingly and be safe!

Registration for 2020 opens to the public on Monday, January 6! If you or someone you know is looking for a high quality preschool/pre-k program please consider Zion. Our program has been named "Best of Kearney" six times for a reason!

Just a reminder that registration will open to the public on January 6th. Please turn in your registration forms for next year to hold your spot. We thank you for the opportunity to education your child(ren) and blessed to have you as part of the Zion family!

Due to the threat of winter weather conditions, Zion will be closed on Tuesday, November 26th. Enjoy your break. Early childhood Thank You God parties will be reschedule to Tuesday, December 3rd.

Zion School Students in grades 3rd-8th will sing at the Zion Lutheran Church Service on Sunday, November 24th at 9:00 am. Students should report to the music room at 8:45 am. All students in grades 3rd-8th grade are encouraged to attend. Thank You!

Just a reminder that pie pickup is today at Zion's gym from 3:30 - 6:00pm.

Just a reminder that pie pickup is tomorrow from 3:30-6:00 pm.

Picture retake day is this morning at Zion.
The Veterans Day program is today at 2:00. All are welcome! K-8th students please wear your navy Zion polo.

To honor our veterans, the K-8th graders will host a Veterans Day Program on Monday, 11-11 at 2 pm. All are invited to join us. Please tell your family & friends. Please contact the office as soon as possible if your family is able to provide peanut free cookies or bars.

We are in need of a volunteer to make cotton candy at the carnival tomorrow. If you are willing please notify the office 308-234-3410 today before 3:00 pm.