Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord! Welcome to the Parent Teacher League (PTL) of Zion Lutheran School. As a parent of a student at Zion Lutheran School, you are a member of the PTL. The Zion PTL is committed to providing the best learning environment for your child and to provide Zion families with fellowship opportunities.

Our fundraising efforts support the PTL events and the Zion Lutheran School budget. The PTL provides a great deal of activities, both fun and educational, to students of Zion every year. Our annual P.E.A.C.E. (People Excited About Christian Education) Auction and Dinner and various other fundraisers throughout the year support the events that we provide. Our organization contributes supplies and activities that would not normally be available through the annual school budget. Everything the PTL does fully benefits the children, school, and community of Zion Lutheran School.

The community of wonderful families at Zion is truly a blessing. It is recommended that everyone become part of the school’s community further by volunteering in some aspect. The difference you make cannot be explained in words. You will benefit as well as the students and teachers – it’s incredible to share our God-given talents with others.

Fellowship opportunities that are sponsored by the PTL include the fall carnival, Christmas program reception, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, and the spring musical reception.

Our prayer for each school year is that we will glorify God in word and deed so that the families of Zion experience the fullness of life in Christ. We request your prayers for God’s continued guidance and blessings. We encourage all our families to support PTL by involvement. To learn how you can become involved in the PTL, contact the school secretary or keep watch for PTL activities posted on the website or the school newsletter throughout the year.